Authentication middleware to redirect and check the oauth2 token.
insecure_skip_verify: false # skip verify the certificate
active: "" # default provider, if empty then use the first provider, set to 'noop' to disable auth check
keycloak: # keycloak provider
client_id: ""
client_id_external: ""
client_secret: ""
client_secret_external: ""
scopes: []
cert_url: "" # if introspect_url exist then cert_url not usable for validate the token, if empty then generating with using realm and base_url
introspect_url: "" # use when cert_url not possible for validate the token
auth_url: "" # authentication url, if empty then generating with using realm and base_url
auth_url_external: "" # reaching page from outside, default is auth_url
token_url: "" # token url, if empty then generating with using realm and base_url
token_url_external: "" # reaching page from outside, default is token_url
base_url: "" # base url, example: https://keycloak:8080/auth/
realm: "" # realm name
generic: # generic oauth2 provider
client_id: ""
client_id_external: ""
client_secret: ""
client_secret_external: ""
scopes: []
cert_url: "" # if introspect_url exist then cert_url not usable for validate the token
introspect_url: "" # use when cert_url not possible for validate the token
auth_url: "" # authentication url
auth_url_external: "" # reaching page from outside, default is auth_url
token_url: "" # token url
token_url_external: "" # reaching page from outside, default is token_url
cookie_name: "" # cookie name for store token, default is "auth_" + ClientID
max_age: 0 # number of seconds until the cookie expires
path: "" # cookie path, path that must exist in the requested URL for the browser to send the Cookie header
domain: "" # cookie domain, domain for which the cookie will be sent
secure: false # secure flag for the cookie
same_site: 0 # same site flag for the cookie for Lax 2, Strict 3, None 4
http_only: false # http only flag for the cookie, for true for not accessible by JavaScript
callback: "" # callback url
callback_set: false # set callback url to the original url after login, default is false
callback_modify: # modify callback url before goes to user, example: / -> /ui/
- regex: "(^/$)"
replacement: "/ui/"
base_url: "" # base url, to use for the redirect, default is the request Host with checking the X-Forwarded-Host header
schema: "" # default schema to use for the redirect if no schema is provided, default is the https
use_session: false # use session for store token instead of cookie
session_key: "" # session key for store token, if empty generating random key
token_header: false # set to the header of the token as Bearer
refresh_token: false # use to refresh the token if it is expired or 10s before expire
check_value: "" # value to check in the context (combined with other middlewares) EXPERIMENTAL
check_agent: false # check if the request is a browser redirect to the auth_url
check_agent_contains: "Mozilla" # check_agent's contains value setting to check the header User-Agent
name: "" # name is the name of the cookie, required want to use this cookie.
max_age: 3600
path: "/"
domain: ""
secure: false
same_site: 0
http_only: false
values: # map list to store in the cookie like "preferred_username", "given_name"
- preferred_username
custom: {} # custom map to store in the cookie. map[string]interface{}
roles: false # roles to store in the cookie as []string.
scopes: false # scopes to store in the cookie as []string.
skip_suffixes: [] # skip suffixes for auth check, example "/ping", "/health", "/metrics"